Airway friendly orthodontics is the practice of providing orthodontic care that not only focuses on straightening teeth and correct a person's bite, but also on proper breathing.
Myofunctional Therapy uses a series of exercises and, in some cases, appliances to promote proper breathing and tongue position. Most of these activities are very easy and fun and can begin as early as age 3 years.
It is becoming more apparent to the medical profession that proper nasal breathing, tongue position and closed lips are essential to a child's facial growth, development and overall health. Our current treatments to change certain habits can have a dramatic and positive impact on this development. Dr. Jenn continues to take extensive courses on airway, pediatric sleep apnea and sleep disordered breathing. Our assistants are also trained in these treatments.
It has also been determined that the position of teeth and jaws is connected to sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea which affect millions of people of all ages. Obstructive sleep apnea can contribute to many health conditions, such as high blood pressure, stroke heart attack and depression. People who experience improper breathing are typically drowsy during the day, have difficulty paying attention and breathe through their mouth. Although best results occur when treating at a young age, adults can also achieve significant benefits from our treatments.